
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Equity law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Equity law - Essay Example Firstly, this scenario raises the issue of creation of a private express trust. An express trust is like a fiduciary relationship where the person who is the trustee holds legal title for property in trust for the beneficiary who holds the equitable title. In order for a trust to be valid, it must be in writing, it must be executed by a settler who has the necessary capacity, it must have a legal purpose, must have an identifiable beneficiary and trustee, and the intent to create a trust must be clearly identifiable. In the case of Alice’s will, the validity may not be questionable in large part because it has been set out in writing. It appears that Edward is the primary beneficiary, although he is also one of the executors of the trust. One of the issues that arises in this case is establishing the validity and authority for both Edward and Alice’s carer Sandra, to function as executors of her estate. One of the first things that must be established is whether the will as written can stand as an express trust with testamentary capacity having been adequately proved. The terms of a will can be held to be valid only if it can be shown that a testatrix was in full possession of her faculties when she made the dispositions under the will. In the recent case of McClintok v Calderwood1 this was one of the issues that was raised. In this case, the defendant was the wife of one of the deceased’s nephews. The deceased had made two wills while at a nursing home, the only difference between the two was that the first one did not name an executor, while the second named the defendant as executrix of the deceased’s estate. One of the defendant’s brothers contended that the wills were invalid for lack of testamentary capacity and for want of knowledge and approval. Testamentary capacity was however, established in the case of McClintok v Calderwood. Although the deceased had been confused at times and showed early signs

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Consumer Preference of Brighton & Hove Teenagers on Organic Food Essay Example for Free

Consumer Preference of Brighton Hove Teenagers on Organic Food Essay There have been many studies investigating the influences on consumer purchasing and consumption of organic foods. It has a Journal of the Human Environment that argues that parts of researches have frequently taken the form of asking consumers directly about their reasons for purchase or nonpurchase of organic foods rather than seeking which types of beliefs and attitudes are actually related to purchase or consumption. (Shepherd, Magnusson, Sjoden, 2005) In recent year, other researchers have examined what beliefs and attitudes predict consumption. (Shepherd, Government office for Science, 2011) In several studies, a majority of the customers have a preference for and an interest in organic food. However, â€Å"the proportion of regular purchasers of organic food is low†. (Shepherd, Magnusson, Sjoden, 2005) So, this phenomenon showed a discrepancy between consumers’ attitudes and behavior, which is most of Consumers’ attitude are positively for organic foods, but not often to buy them. It seems the consumers not have a concerned the organic foods become an important purchase criterion. Since the 1920’s, the organic food has first appeared in Europe. (Baourakis, 2004) Until now, even the organic foods not take big market share, but in recent years, according to the British Food Standards Agency said ‘identifies the role that organic food plays in providing choice for customer. ’ (Food Standards Agency, 2011) Lampkin Padel (1994, cited in Baourakis, 2004) researched that consumer demand for organic food increased rapidly, thus, the number of famers increased reasonably, this phenomenon is not only in Europe, but also is in the United States. Problem Statement The problem to be explored is the purchase behavior of teenagers toward organic food in Brighton Hove. As mentioned before, the sales of organic food are increasing in UK. Nevertheless, Non-organic food still dominates in the food market. In addition, while there has some consumers who are already familiar and know with the organic food. It still has many consumers who are not yet know about them. Because of organic food produced without using any artificial chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers, which is better and fresher taste than other nonorganic foods. (Georgiou, 2002) There are different reasons why consumers tend to prefer to buy organic food. To discover the teenagers of Brighton Hove behavior on organic food, these are some of the variables that will be taken into account when do the research, which can separate to extrinsic factors and internal factors. External factors are environment influence, like education level influence, cultural influence, and family influence. Internal factors are product attributes, which are benefits of organic food, like environmentally friendliness, good for animal welfare, taste good and personal health. These may influence consumer buying decision. Research aims and objectives This research aims to explore teenagers’ behavior of Brighton Hove on organic food consumption in their daily life. This research will provide richer and deeper understanding of teenagers’ preference on organic foods and work to specific ages, thus the levels of education and collect the information about why they care about organic food. These research questions to be answered are: †¢Do the teenagers like to buy organic food in Brighton Hove? †¢Do the teenagers choose organic food influenced by environment (i.e. education level, cultural influence or family influence) in Brighton Hove? †¢What causes the teenagers care about organic food (i. e. the environment concern, animal welfare, personal health, taste) in Brighton Hove? In this particular case, it becomes more interesting to be more the teenager maybe will be influence by place cultural. Because Brighton Hove are famous resort which near the sea. Brighton and Hove is the UKs healthiest city that reason is its residents lifestyles, such as cycling to work, do yoga practice, and eating green food according to a study for Sky Travel. (University of sussex, 2010) The intention explore is the future development of organic food in Brighton Hove by asking questions and interview. This paper will propose use deductive way for research on specific consumer behavior on organic foods in Brighton Hove. Anticipated contributions Organic food is green food, these benefits lead to the market share of food were influenced, so, this academic research discuss about purchase behavior of teenagers on organic food consumption in Brighton Hove. Because teenager is our future, from their behavior, we can see the organic food development of Brighton Hove in next 50 years. Until now, it has some research about customer behavior on organic food, however, since there is lack of data for specific group people, like teenager. In this case, Kardes, Cronley, Cline argued that one of the contributions for study consumer behavior is that educate consumers and help them to make a better decision, also can understand make products for consumers actually needed and wanted. This becomes a marketing strategy, this research proposal discovers and satisfies customer needs and wants effectively and beneficial manner, while profiting the long-term interests for business. (Kardes, Cronley, Cline, 2011) Also this research proposal will investigate customer behavior information by primary research and secondary information, analysis the consumer’s performance, which showed the market tendency and understand the rival. It can help companies can get the market share of organic food in the future. Brief Review of Literature Wright Crea (2007) pointed that the UK organic food market rise approximately 10% annually with a value of 2 billion dollars, already become third largest in the world. According government statistics, the multiple supermarket retailers accounted for the major marketing share to the consumer with approximately 73 % of sales. The independent retailers and parts of farmers accounted for consumer 27 % of sales. The box schemes and internet order made up 8 percent. (dardni, 2010) Base on data, organic food is preferred by all age groups because of its health friendly benefits. These contained old people, adults and children. According to statistics, 70 % of the costumers are women, while 30 % are men. 57. 3 % of organic food consumers have job, while 23. 2 % do not have job. (Damin, 2011) Food standards Agency demonstrates that to eat â€Å"organic food is a way to decrease consumption of pesticide residues and additives. † (Food Standards Agency, 2011) Organic procurement reflects consumers are not only care about economic, but also concern with food production link to personal, social and environmental effect. (The Open University, 2006) Lockie argues that no artificial chemicals is one of the key point cause the sale growth of organic product around the world, which reflects people are more interested in personal health and family health, also care about the animal welfare, tradition, environmental protection, food traceability and sustainability. (Lockie, 2006) Food Standards Agency, â€Å"if they think theyre buying food with extra nutritional quality or extra safety. † (Food Standards Agency, 2011)) Stringer and Dennis argued that in UK recent research showed 21 percent of housewives ranked taste over other facts in what they ate in 1998s, while 14 percent of housewives because of health concern for their family and themselves in 1998s. (Stringer Dennis, 2000) According to ACNielsen research, the consumption of organic baby food jumped about 16 percent over the year before in 2005, it nearly double increasing of total organic food consumption. (Working Mother, 2006) In 2008, the Ferrell and Pride searched the mother behavior and investigate the age range from 25 to 40, are more prefer to buy organic food or clothing for their children no matter what their income. (Pride Ferrell, 2008) Mamatha Sarada revealed that child rights attitudes and participation in activities were influenced by their mother. (Mamatha Sarada, 2009) Brozina argued that culture can influence the consumers’ motives for organic food consumption. (Brozina, 2009) Samli argued that consumer behavior was influenced by social class, which related to not only economic well-being, but also other factors, such as education, family background and occupation. Secondly, it influenced by hierarchy of needs, which is more likely to be observed as different degrees of economic development, culture, and social psychology. Thirdly, it influenced by interpersonal influences from group member, like social consumption phenomenon and consumer want to buy luxury make a good impression on others. Fourthly, it depends on affective influences, like emotion. At last, cognitive will be influence the consumers choice, which is how much they know about that product. (Samli, 1995) While consumer express positive perspective on organic food, but it is not likely to expand beyond this niche market in the future, the major reason is premium prices, unless low-input can be made recognisable to consumers. . (Oppapers, 2011) Handlechner argued that organic producers are still only occupying a niche market now. Nevertheless, organic food may be having a larger potential in the future. (Handlechner, 2008) Hypotheses Hypothesis1. I expect that the teenagers in Brighton Hove may be having positive perspective on organic food due to Brighton Hove is a healthiest city. Hypothesis 2: I expect that the teenagers in Brighton Hove might concern about environment issue, animal welfare, and personal health, so they choose the organic food. Hypothesis 3: It is also my prediction that teenagers in Brighton Hove may not interested in organic food due to they do not possess economic income. Hypothesis 4: Maybe they like to buy the organic foods, but for teenager are too expensive that they do not possess enough money to pay for them. Methodology This research adopted the deductive way because the aim proved by separate several research questions that mentioned earlier before. This research design is exploratory due to this research proposal intends to explore the teenagers’ behaviour on organic food through survey in Brighton Hove. This study will consider descriptive because this proposal focus on survey the characteristic of certain group, teenagers. Accordingly, some writers in a journal demonstrated that descriptive study is the researchers are interested to survey a group such as education level, income, age or gender in some situations. (Kumar, Deb, Sinha, Sinha, 2001) The research is also adopt cross sectional because of this study will study in a particular phenomenon and particular time. It has time limited. (Scribd, 2011) Research method Primary research This research can either be qualitative or quantitative. Nevertheless, quantitative research may cover a larger number of populations, which will give generalized statistics results by questionnaire. This qualitative research intends to collect an in-depth understanding of teenagers’ behaviour and the reasons why they have that behaviour. This qualitative research is a non-numerical data collection by interview. Moreover, the qualitative and quantities research method inquires the how and why of decision making by teenagers, not only where, when, what. So, this easy chooses these methods on this particular case studied in order to seek empirical support for this research hypothesis. This research proposal will base on quantitative research due to it will give statistical evidence of data, which can be summarize teenagers behaviour specifically. Questionnaire is my first choice. Concerning the print cost, the questionnaires will be surveyed through email in the internet. The questionnaires will include an introduction that gives clearly explanation of purpose of this study. Furthermore, the questionnaires also will include clearly instructions that give a well-guided to the teenagers. Moreover, it will give clearly question which is easy to teenagers. More specifically, writing the letter to school headmaster get the permission in Brighton Hove. This questionnaire will be taken in the Junior high school and high school in 11th July 2011. This study will be randomly survey 1000 students in junior high school, 500 boys and 500 girls respectively. Other parts are 1000 students in high school, 500 boys and 500 girls. This will be more easily and faster when make analysis the data based on different education level and gender. Also, it will adopt anonymity, in order to keep the private information for teenager. This research proposal also will accord to qualitative research due to it will be get more detail with deeper conversational interview. It will not have predetermined questions are asked, because it can remain more open and adaptable get useful information due to nature and priorities of interview. It can directly get the exactly information for this research. More specifically, the interview will be taking at the school supermarket in Brighton Hove in 19th July 2011. More closely interview the staffs in supermarket in order to understand teenagers’ behaviour by real consumption. Moreover, the interview will be doing at teenagers’ home in 30th July 2011 and in order to have chance to understand their behaviour by face to face talking. It wills choice 10 families in high school, 10 families in junior high school. It could be though this interview can prove whether the teenager preference on organic foods influenced by their family background and mother. Secondary research â€Å"The value of using the secondary data for market research has been substantial throughout history, continues today, and promises to grow in the future. † (Patzer, 1995) Secondary research contains the collation, brief and synthesis of existing research that data is already done by government, company, organization or personal. When this research proposal chooses the secondary data source, it would be have a critical thinking and concern the academic source. Government research data is the good choice for this research. Moreover, Base on the books and journals, summarize others studies and result. It will filter information and get the clearly results. Another research approach would be reputation organization and news website. What is more, May be I can get record data form staff in school supermarket, for instance, it could be get the sales of every year or month in the school. Using the other cities’ secondary data compare with the primary data in Brighton Hove in order to know whether the Brighton Hove culture will influence the teenager behaviour on organic foods. Data Analysis â€Å"Thematic analysis focuses on identifiable themes and patterns of living or behaviour. † (Aronson, 1994) So in this case, the thematic analysis will be used to gather data and analyze them in interview. Moreover, another analysis is the content analysis, which will use in the interview, too. The questionnaire will be collect data by software for statistics, like Excel. Do the diagrams would be use the software, like word. Time chart JuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember Research for Literature review Formulate research strategy, design and select methods Questionnaire Interviews Field Work/ Data collection Data Analysis Write up Conclusion. This research expects to explore the teenagers’ preference on organic food in Brighton Hove, which can get exactly information to answer the research question. I hope the teenagers will more concern their health and environment and animal in order to develop a sustainable society. The organic food company may take this kind research forward, which will bring long-term benefit if they grasp customer behavior and attitude. Maybe they will not only survey the teenager, but also research the householder behavior and psychology due to they have economic power. Bibliography Aronson, J. (1994). Nova. 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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis of the Hotel industry in UAE

Analysis of the Hotel industry in UAE Introduction The service sector to be precise is bound to expand further from the current standing due to huge global economic growth in the areas of travelling, hospitality, hotels and recreational services that defines the hotel industry. It is being observed that economic activities within the realms of the hotel industry also and the investment made in that regard is huge and booming. These factors foster the growth element of the hospitality industry. Above all, the increasing numbers of global travelers in the backdrop of tourism and its booming growth poised the way for the hospitality industry to benefit tremendously. The economic aspects and its consideration in that regard as far as activities encompassing the hospitality industry thus are flawless and immeasurable as far and growth factor is concerned and the economic aspects in that regard. But often we wonder as to what defines the hotel industry or let say, hospitality industry for that matter? In general hotel industry is a broad c ategory and includes the service industry at large covering the category of lodging, restaurant, recreation and many more. The hospitality industry on a global scale is a huge. There is high instance of economic activities going on within the global hospitality industry. Due to the growth in tourism, recreational services and lodging as well as food chains and increasing number of restaurants, the global domain of hospitality industry present a huge economic avenue for all kinds of opportunities, be it investment, financing or the factor which also drives the construction sector in the economy of the world. Above all, employment opportunities also are huge in the hotel industry on a global scale. (Economy-Watch) There is no doubt in that regard, since the hotel industry encompasses all features of the service sector. Summing it all up and when we focus our attention to the hotel/hospitality industry in UAE also we feel that there are many interesting details to research about, especially the growth component of UAE hospitality industry in the current schemes of things. Literature Review First and foremost it should be understood that the very idea of hotel industry in general is a playground of huge economic activities. As we can observe, international industry presents a refined form of globalization and its influence in almost all sector and industries. The significant part is that globalization has opened up an avenue and numerous opportunities for hotel industry to reap the benefit from. Global Hospitality Industry Hospitality to be correct is much broader in scope. Some people do have a misplaced understanding as to what is hospitality industry.   The general perception of hospitality means the realms of hotel and restaurant. This is not wrong or incorrect to be precise, however, hospitality industry and its scope is broader and includes all features of entertainment and other aspects that amount towards serving guest and reception of visitors with liberty and good will. (Clayton W. Barrows, 2008 , p. 4) According to scholars and observers, they are of the opinion that the global hospitality industry is bound for a major boom and growth, due to increase internationalization of businesses and the worldwide presence of variety of services in the backdrop of globalization and its impact. An economic aspect that covers the range of activities within the hotel industry also is garnering steam. (Yu, 1999 , p. 3) In the current scheme of things it is said by experts that the global hospitality industry is on a growth path. Demands in the industry as far as service components encompassing hotel industry also is huge, which further boost the growth element to the point that meeting the demand seems to pose many issue when viewed from a business perspective and as far as operation goes. (ErnstYoung, 2011) Nonetheless, it also should be understood that ‘hospitality is the very important component of the service industry in any of the country national economy.† (Yu, 1999 , p. 4) Speaking of the hotel industry, it should also be understood that the components which feature the hotel industry can be classified and divided into two main segments, namely (i) Entertainment area (ii) Accommodation and Lodging. (Economy-Watch) Entertainment Areas: in the Entertainment Area, the hospitality services includes, clubs, bars, restaurants, casinos, and other forms of entertainment such as event planning and the likes, which are some example mentioned herein. (Economy-Watch) Accommodation and Lodging: On a larger note though, Accommodation and Lodging area of the hotel industry includes houses for rent, hotel accommodation, resorts, serviced apartments and also extend its range to motels, which are a factor of attraction for traveler due to the cost factor and comfy accommodation on a first come, first serve basis. (Economy-Watch) Apart from these and within the components of the hotel industry in the global scale, the very object of tourism also finds a pale of consideration. The structure of tourism and its components to a great extent defines the very object of hospitality industry. What is all about tourism and is feature can be measured within the realms of its components that includes providing tourist with comfy accommodation when it comes to their stay be it hotel, motel, lodges, guest houses furnished apartments or any other hospitality services. (Andrews, 2007 , p. 30) For this very reason we see as to why the tourism sector at most instance are in tie up with major hotels and accommodation providers and also with tour and traveler providers and thus boosting the growth of global tourism. Above all, it should not be forgotten that the hospitality industry is a huge employer, when compared and contrasted in context of the industry at large. Employment opportunities in the backdrop of booming global to urism and increasing and mushrooming international business provide a huge avenue for fresh graduate and those who are specially trained in the hospitality management aspects. Hospitality Industry in UAE According to reports, it states that the hotel industry in UAE and in particular to its Trucial state Dubai is very competitive. Dubai and UAE in particular defines the landmark for all kinds of luxuries. Hence, when it comes to hotel industry, it is not surprising to see that UAE in that regard boast of a huge avenue and booming scenario of Hotel industry. One example of it can be looked in respect of the Dubai Marina Hotel and Resorts that are a delight global travelers and frequent traveler who is in search of luxury. (Boermeester, p. 52) To understand the very component encompassing the hospitality industry in UAE and in particular in Dubai, we feel that observing the development projects in the tourism industry and increasing construction for tourism attraction in recent time can be effective. One example to list in that regard can be looked in respect of the Palm Spring Island, and the Burj Al Arab Hotel that was opened and operated since 2009, and boast itself with a seven star class, and which we proclaims to one amongst the luxurious hotel on the global scale. (Ahmed Hassanien, 2010 , p. 14) Objectives, Scope and coverage This report and its study overall is focused and limited to the ‘hotel industry in general and the discussion in that regard which also covers the hotel industry in UAE in the last 2 years, starting from 2009 to present. We feel that it is also prudent to define the component of this report overall, that is to say the scope and its coverage. The overall discussion relates: To define, extrapolate and examine the features of what defines the hotel industry on a global scale. An extension to list all the viable and recent data related the growth and booming of the hotel industry in UAE, with its concentration in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which is central to the discussion of this work. In order to reach to this conclusion and the analysis required herein for the basis of this report and the subject matter requirement, we feel that reliable source and data retrieved from the hotel industry would be viable enough, besides other available literature and information that can be retrieved online. Besides information related to the industry in general and that which is related to the hotel industry in UAE also would be helpful enough to assist the completion of this work and the attempt made in that regard. The main aim and objective of this work is to reflect its discussion and analysis on the hotel industry from an economic perspective. Thus, it is only natural that information to be used herein is directly linked to the hotel industry in general and that which gives us an informative points about the hotel industry in UAE in the current scheme of things. For that reason a brief economic analysis as to the growth factor of the hotel industry in UAE and its comparison with the global hotel industry is also a necessity we felt, which will be covered in this report through a literature review and successive, discussion and analysis, which defines the overall objective of this work in order to reach a conclusive conclusion.   Hypothesis/Assumption of the Report We assume that identifying the main issues to be discussed related to the subject matter ‘hotel industry in UAE is also helpful, which the following paragraph relates to. What defines the ‘Hotel Industry in general? Besides, what defines the components of hotel industry? It is assumed that the hotel industry is one of the fastest growing industries, How far this statement stands true? If, so what are the scopes for its growth for the present and future segment of the industry in general, given the current booming of hotel industry on the global scale? What are the attractive features of UAE hotel industry? How far UAE hotel industry has contributed to the growth element of global hospitality industry at large? What employment opportunities do the hotel industry offers, given that service sector is assumed to be the factor that drive the hospitality industry? Considering these assumptions identified above, it should be further clarified that this work and the overall attempts in parts and full thereof is to trace and examine the features of global hotel industry, with its concentration in UAE hotel industry. Methodology and Data For the purpose of this work, the methodology used herein is divided into the primary and secondary resources. Primary Resources: to be correct, there have been very least instance where the primary resources are used in this report. It wont be wrong to say that the primary resource in all aspects is focused within the data, or economic indicator to the growth element of UAE hotel industry that classifies between Abu Dhabi and Dubai which were accessed online and a helpful companion to trace the real economic indicator. Secondary Resources: Inclusive in this report, is the secondary resource being used, namely news and economic reports that is specifically related to UAE and its hotel industry covering a period of 2 years from 2009 till date. Besides, available literature that is related to the hotel industry and its discussion also have been used extensively in order to structure the report and its discussion overall. The combination of the primary and secondary methodology employed herein has been helpful enough for this work and the attempt made in that regard. However, primary resources and its availability posed many limitations. Yet, the economic report has been feasible to close that gap, which helped in completing the report successfully. Data Tabulation: The Economic Aspects of Hotel Industry in UAE From an economic point of identifying the discussion of the hospitality industry and that which is related to UAE, we see that its growth is booming. There are all kinds of hospitality services in UAE, ranging from budget hotels, 2, 3, 5 and 7 Stars hotel. The latest report available with AmeInfo.com, an online news portal, it highlights that increase of revenue from the hotel industry touched the 10% mark till date counting from the start for the financial year 2011. This research was carried out by Deloitte Touch, a global firm with its specialization in global economic research and risk management. (AmeInfo, 2011) This is one of the latest reports. Despite the gloom and decline in hotel industry revenue in the early part of 2009, UAE today is subject to benefit hugely from the rise in global travelling and tourism attraction in the country. News report available with UAE-Interact also states that Abu Dhabi alone have achieved of hotel guest in the first quarter of 2011 to the tun e of 10%, a huge jump from the global slump in 2009-2010. (UAE-Interact, 2011) The following data analysis would be helpful to understand the Hotel Industry in UAE, which is classified between Abu Dhabi, and Dubai growth projection for the financial year 2011. Data Analysis: Abu Dhabi Hotel The number of guest and visitors who lodge in at most of the hotels in Abu Dhabi and its figures is as follows. Number of Guest and Visitor in Abu Dhabi Hotels 510,114 Year/Quarterly Projection Jan-March 2011 Estimates Rise in Percentage 9% for March 2011 Number of Check-In (Emirate Hotels Combined) 180,931 Number of Guest Nights 1.56 million SOURCE:(UAEInteract.com) Data Analysis: Dubai Hotel When it comes to Dubai hotel though, the following is the data. Dubai Hotel growth Projector 7.9% Hotel rooms/Occupancy growth 76.6% for Jan   2011 RevPar(Revenue per available room for 2011) $102.32 Revenue Increase for 2011 2.6% SOURCE: (UAEInteract.com) In Dubai, there are all kinds of flagship hotels, starting with 2, 3, 5 and 7 starts hotel and resorts. The rise in percentage of room occupancy and revenue by a tune of 2.6% for the financial years 2011 is a positive thing we feel. Such increase says analyst is subject to the rise in global travelers and also the tourism boom just after the global economic downturn. (UAEInteract, 2011) Analysis of Results From the above data tabulation and when considering the hotel Industry alone, we feel that the slump from 2009 global down turn is far behind. Hotels industry in Abu Dhabi and in Dubai is projected for huge increase in revenue; check-in. the increase in that regard also shows a positive development scope. If the indication of the report is anything to go by, we feel that growth projection in the hotel industry in UAE is tremendously huge. The AHIC (Arabian Hotel Investment Conference) 2011 that was held recently also take a stock of the matter of the economic aspects of the hotel industry in UAE. As per the said news reports, it states that the main ingredient for hotel industry in UAE is set to follow within the path of asset management and diversification of product, as   a means and measure to meet the global demand of the hotel industry in UAE. Starting from the year from January 2001 till date, occupancy rate have jumped to 24.1%. This is one of the dramatic developments in the hotel industry in UAE.   In addition, the RevPer (revenue as per available room) for UAE hotel industry also has increased from a mere US$92.46 in 2010 to US$102.32 in 2011. (TTG-Mena, 2011) Rounding our analysis to the above tabular data and in particular to the new report, we feel that UAE hotel industry is heading for a smooth and dramatic recover from the slump it suffered in 2009 global economic downturn. It is not surprising to see the growth, since UAE is known to attract global travelers and businesses for the sheer element attached to its hotel industry. For that matter, UAE today is seen as global destination for all kinds of global events, be it business conference and the likes. Moreover, huge capital investment in UAE in the realms of transportation and infrastructural development of hotels presents an interesting side of the overall story as far as Hotel industry in UAE in concerned. Conclusion From our brief fragmented analysis, we can round up that Hotel industry in UAE is not a mere object to think about. Since the 2009 global economic downturn, UAE have recovered dramatically in all sector of the economy. It is also being observed that hotel industry dont lack far behind in recovery. The UAE government and its initiative to increase and create awareness about various programs, and back-to-back conference that are held in the country as well as tourism development programs and its development have been specific to contribute towards the growth of Hotel/Hospitality industry in UAE. The above analysis which we have defined the very basis of revenue earning for hotels and number of guest and nights stays are some examples of the economic aspects that is generated from visitors who often prefer coming to UAE for all the luxury treatment and preference of 5 and 7 star accommodation. UAE we can conclude presents ‘once in a lifetime opportunity for global globe trotters and business men, who are often seen heading to UAE for all kinds of conferences. To top it all, UAE also boast of major hotels. There are also major tourist attractions in the UAE such as the palm island. Increased infrastructural development and investment made in that regard is positive step taken by UAE government, a actor which also have boost its hotel industry and the national economy besides contributing directly and indirectly to the global economy and hotel industry.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Monetary Policy in Canada :: essays papers

Monetary Policy in Canada The Bank of Canada’s Control Over the Money Supply  · The ability of the central bank to affect the money supply is critically related to its ability to determine the reserves of the commercial banking system.  · One important tool that the Bank uses for influencing the supply of money is the purchase or sale of government securities on the open market. These actions are known as open-market operations.  · Whenever the Bank is involved in either the purchase or sale of government securities, the reserves of the entire banking system are altered, and this affects the money supply.  · When the Bank of Canada buys a treasury bill or a bond from a household or a firm, it pays for the bond with a cheque drawn on itself and payable to the seller. The seller deposits this cheque in a commercial bank, which then presents the cheque to the Bank of Canada for payment.  · The bank of Canada then makes a book entry, increasing the deposit of the commercial bank at the central bank, which adds to the commercial bank’s reserves.  · Typically, when the Bank buys securities on the open market, the reserves of the commercial banks are increased. These banks can then expand deposits, thereby increasing the money supply.  · When the Bank sells a security to a household or firm, it receives in return the buyers cheque drawn against a deposit in a bank. The Bank presents the cheque to the commercial bank for payment.  · Payment is made by a book entry that reduces the bank’s deposit at the central bank, and hence reduces its reserves.  · When the central bank sells securities on the open market, the reserves of the commercial banks are decreased. These banks must in turn contract deposits, thereby decreasing the money supply.  · Extension 29-1  · Cash management - the shifting of government deposits between the Bank of Canada and the chartered banks – is a major tool used by the Bank of Canada in its day-to-day operations.  · When the Bank transfers government deposits, it influences the reserves of the banking system relative to its target level of reserves, thereby inducing an expansion or contraction of commercial bank lending and thus an expansion or contraction of the money supply.  · Open-market operations and control of government deposits give the Bank of Canada potent weapons for affecting the size of commercial bank reserves and thus for affecting the money supply.  · Though the details of an open-market operation differ from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ranch Girl by Maile Meloy from Contemporary American Short Fiction

The story is told in second person, which gives the reader a sense of being in the story, at the same time being an observer. It begins with telling you where you stand in the socio-economics’ and in the eyes of your peers. â€Å"If you’re white, and you’re not rich or poor but somewhere in the middle, it’s hard to have worse luck than be born a girl on the Ranch. It doesn’t matter if your father is the foreman or the rancher – you’re still a ranch girl, and you’ve been dealt a bad hand. † (551) The story goes on, telling you where you where you live on the Ranch, who your father is (the foreman on Ted Haskell’s Running H cattle Ranch) and how you keep your room still decorated from when you were ten. You never have friends over, so you can keep your room that way. You never have friends over because no one wants to come over to a Ranch girl’s house. The second person point of view pangs at the readers emotions. You feel the hunger for attention and flush it creates when Andy Tyler flirts with you. The author re-creates the feelings of a teenage girl, somewhere on the cusp of popularity, in such a way it is almost impossible not to get caught up with the story. I was never a Ranch girl, but when reading the story I felt akin to the feelings of the narrator. The experiences described are vastly different from any of my own child/young adulthood but the universal truths laid out are the same with any person. The narrator has fallen in love with a boy from the rodeo. She goes and watches him fight every Friday. She s sixteen and the Ranchers daughter, Carla, and her curls they hair into perfect ringlets. Trying to catch Andy’s eye. When he gets up from fighting, he asks her to give him a rainbow and she twirls her rainbow gloved hand around his face. The narrator wants to marry Andy Tyler. The blushing hope of picking out her future husband harks back the authors understanding of a young girl. â€Å"Virginity is as important to rodeo boys as to Catholics, and you don’t go home and fuck Andy Tyler because when you finally get him, you want to keep him. But you like his asking. Some nights, he doesn’t ask. Some nights, Lacey Estrada climbs into Andy’s truck, dark hair bouncing in soft curls on her shoulders, and moves close to Andy on the front seat as they drive away†¦. But cowboys are romantics; when they settle down they want the girl they haven’t fucked. † (553) The narrator doesn’t feel too jealous of Lacey Estrada because she knows that Andy is like every other rodeo boy. He won’t marry a girl who he (or anyone else) has fucked. This statement is then contested after Andy Tyler dies in an accident. The paper announces in Andy Tyler’s obituary that he was engaged to Lacey Estrada. When reading this, the author goes on to detail the narrators feelings that you can almost taste the salt tears from being hurt. â€Å"Andy’s obituary says he was engaged to Lacey Estrada, which only Lacey or doctor father could have put in. If you had the guts you’d buy every paper in town and burn them outside that big white house where Lacey took him home and fucked him. Then Lacey shows up on the Hill with an engagement ring and gives you a sad smile as if you shared something. If you were one of the girls who gets in fights on the Hill, you’d fight Lacey. But you don’t; you look away† (556) I think putting this piece into second person was an excellent choice. If the piece were in first person, it might have been too emotionally sentimental, or with too much angst. If the piece was in third, it might not have been able to capture the vulnerability of the narrator. The narrator shuts down after Andy’s death, although it might be because of his death she has more options than if he had been alive. The narrator feels cheated, alone since he died, but she continued through high school where her science teachers (who saw through her ignorant facade) encouraged and bothered her to go to college. In the first course in college, the professor accuses her of plagiarism because she can write. The feelings of frustration and anger, feeling cheated out of a life with Andy to be left alone. The narrator feels the expectations of others enshrouding her, something that would not have been if Andy Tyler had not died in that car crash. â€Å"You are so lucky to have a degree and no kid,† Carla says, â€Å"You can still leave. † (558). The narrator has the world around her telling her how she can still leave, how she has nothing to tie her to the Ranch, or to Montana anymore. She can go. â€Å"But none of these things seem real; what’s real is the payments on your car and your mom’s crazy horses, the feel of the ranch road as you can drive blindfolded and the smell of the hay†¦. But out there in there world you get old. You don’t get old here. Here you can always be a Ranch girl. † (558) The tangible things that tie someone to a place has nothing on the emotional ties. Andy Tyler might have died and left her alone, but he still ties her to the Ranch by his memory. The stolen life taken by a drunk driver took not only Andy Tyler, but also the narrators by taking him from her. She wastes her potential by pining and mourning someone she should have moved on from years ago. The sad desperation is clear in the description, in how the author portrayed the narrator through the second person point of view. The narrator comes off much more sympathetic and her motives are clearly understandable through the second person point of view. I don’t think that any other point of view could have given such a clear view of the narrator life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fish Philosophy Essay

Just finished reading â€Å"FISH Philosophy† the book and so great it was. It’s a tiny book (two hours of focused read would do) that talks about how to transform your work place (or even your life) into a fun place to enjoy and be excited to come to again and again. I don’t want to talk about the great story in the book, and the details of how a fish market ignited the idea – hence the name FISH – for a manager to transform her workplace, as I want to encourage you to get it and read it. The philosophy is simple, and goes by applying four ingredients that will turn the place from stress and dullness into relax and fun. The ingredients of FISH philosophy are as follows: 1. Choose your attitude 2. Play 3. Make their day 4. Be there Ingredient 1 – Choose your attitude: This is the platform to build upon, and the core concept that everything else depends on. You have the freedom of choice of your attitude: an optimistic and happy attitude, or a pessimistic and sad one. Choose to be happy, smiling, easy going, ignorant of mistakes, and you’ll discover how beautiful and shining you and your place would be. On the other hand, choose to be angry, frowning, hard-headed, picky on mistakes, isolated, and you’ll discover how miserable your day would be! â€Å"Choose your attitude† is the hardest ingredients, but sets the stage for all other ingredients to happen. So work on your attitude, and work on it now. Ingredient 2 – Play: Have fun, even if you have lot’s to do with deadlines nearing, and don’t seem to have enough in your schedule. All that stress come from the fact that you prevent yourself from enjoying what you do. Make it a playful project, an enjoyable study, an easy shopping, a fun meeting, etc. If you cannot enjoy what you do, then try to have some pleasant moments between the heavy tasks you work on. Engage with colleagues or family to create a play yard out of your place. Ingredient 3 – Make their day: By having fun yourself, work on extending that to others who surround you. Make their day by expressing how you’re grateful to have them, or by cheering them up. Get them out of their misery by offering advice and help. You cannot imagine how cheerful you would be when giving a hand to someone. Ingredient 4 – Be there: Be present to your family, customers, colleagues, and people by giving full attention to who calls for you to advice or help. Don’t be ignorant to those calls†¦ get to answer them on the spot, or at least dedicate some time to connect with those you care about to listen to. Ignoring a call for help from your wife, your son, a colleague, or a customer could yield to disappointments and sometimes problems that you could’ve avoided earlier. Applying FISH to your life: I actually believe in the importance of these ingredients to have better place whether at home or at work, and below are some ideas I’m thinking of to practice those in my life (both at home and at work): Ideas| At Home| At Work| Choose your attitude| Be happy, smiling, and open-minded, soft, easy going, ignorant to small acts or mistakes. Spell out the good thoughts, and ignore the bad ones. Say hi or salam to everyone you face! | Play| Educate by fun, and stop yelling. Make the shopping a learning experience for your child where he or she looks for the stuff and picks them up. Enjoy home fixes. Watch cartoons with your child while commenting. | Start your meetings with fun or jokesPost some funny pictures or comics to your desk, or common placesHave a board so employees can post some jokesHave a gaming console and work on a gaming competition| Make their day| Compliments, Compliments, Compliments. Bring your wife some flowers. Invite the family to a day out (I really mean the invite here, and not like †¦ we’re bored, let’s go out). Bring your child something he or she likes (candy for instance). | Compliment the work and attitude of your colleagues. Engage with customers and pinpoint their pains and offer solutions with what they already have. Avoid bad news, and be a passenger of the good ones! | Be there| Listen to your wife and don’t offer solutions, just listen (we all can hear, you need to listen! ). Have a conversation with your child on school or how others deal with him. Listen to the unsaid, and express your willingness to offer help if needed. | Listen to pains from colleagues and customers and offer solutionsStop emails and phone calls if someone calls for your adviceGive full attention when talking to your colleagues or customersNot all people are comfortable talking about their problems, so dig deep within the soles and look for faces that need help. | Remember to work hard on setting the stage by choosing the right attitude! Just finished reading â€Å"FISH Philosophy† the book and so great it was. It’s a tiny book (two hours of focused read would do) that talks about how to transform your work place (or even your life) into a fun place to enjoy and be excited to come to again and again. I don’t want to talk about the great story in the book, and the details of how a fish market ignited the idea – hence the name FISH – for a manager to transform her workplace, as I want to encourage you to get it and read it. The philosophy is simple, and goes by applying four ingredients that will turn the place from stress and dullness into relax and fun. The ingredients of FISH philosophy are as follows: 1. Choose your attitude 2. Play 3. Make their day 4. Be there Ingredient 1 – Choose your attitude: This is the platform to build upon, and the core concept that everything else depends on. You have the freedom of choice of your attitude: an optimistic and happy attitude, or a pessimistic and sad one. Choose to be happy, smiling, easy going, ignorant of mistakes, and you’ll discover how beautiful and shining you and your place would be. On the other hand, choose to be angry, frowning, hard-headed, picky on mistakes, isolated, and you’ll discover how miserable your day would be! â€Å"Choose your attitude† is the hardest ingredients, but sets the stage for all other ingredients to happen. So work on your attitude, and work on it now. Ingredient 2 – Play: Have fun, even if you have lot’s to do with deadlines nearing, and don’t seem to have enough in your schedule. All that stress come from the fact that you prevent yourself from enjoying what you do. Make it a playful project, an enjoyable study, an easy shopping, a fun meeting, etc. If you cannot enjoy what you do, then try to have some pleasant moments between the heavy tasks you work on. Engage with colleagues or family to create a play yard out of your place. Ingredient 3 – Make their day: By having fun yourself, work on extending that to others who surround you. Make their day by expressing how you’re grateful to have them, or by cheering them up. Get them out of their misery by offering advice and help. You cannot imagine how cheerful you would be when giving a hand to someone. Ingredient 4 – Be there: Be present to your family, customers, colleagues, and people by giving full attention to who calls for you to advice or help. Don’t be ignorant to those calls†¦ get to answer them on the spot, or at least dedicate some time to connect with those you care about to listen to. Ignoring a call for help from your wife, your son, a colleague, or a customer could yield to disappointments and sometimes problems that you could’ve avoided earlier. Applying FISH to your life: I actually believe in the importance of these ingredients to have better place whether at home or at work, and below are some ideas I’m thinking of to practice those in my life (both at home and at work): Ideas| At Home| At Work| Choose your attitude| Be happy, smiling, and open-minded, soft, easy going, ignorant to small acts or mistakes. Spell out the good thoughts, and ignore the bad ones. Say hi or salam to everyone you face! | Play| Educate by fun, and stop yelling. Make the shopping a learning experience for your child where he or she looks for the stuff and picks them up. Enjoy home fixes. Watch cartoons with your child while commenting. | Start your meetings with fun or jokesPost some funny pictures or comics to your desk, or common placesHave a board so employees can post some jokesHave a gaming console and work on a gaming competition| Make their day| Compliments, Compliments, Compliments. Bring your wife some flowers. Invite the family to a day out (I really mean the invite here, and not like †¦ we’re bored, let’s go out). Bring your child something he or she likes (candy for instance). | Compliment the work and attitude of your colleagues. Engage with customers and pinpoint their pains and offer solutions with what they already have. Avoid bad news, and be a passenger of the good ones! | Be there| Listen to your wife and don’t offer solutions, just listen (we all can hear, you need to listen! ). Have a conversation with your child on school or how others deal with him. Listen to the unsaid, and express your willingness to offer help if needed. | Listen to pains from colleagues and customers and offer solutionsStop emails and phone calls if someone calls for your adviceGive full attention when talking to your colleagues or customersNot all people are comfortable talking about their problems, so dig deep within the soles and look for faces that need help. | Remember to work hard on setting the stage by choosing the right attitude!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Taming Of The Shrew Essays - The Taming Of The Shrew, Free Essays

Taming Of The Shrew Essays - The Taming Of The Shrew, Free Essays Taming Of The Shrew In William Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew, Katherine is not truly tamed because she simply follows Petruchios orders without changing her spirit. Petruchio gets his hands full when he marries Katherine. She is a very wild and rough woman who needs to be tamed. In the beginning of the story, Katherine is a very wild woman; her father speaks of her violent ways: For shame, thou hilding of a devilish spirit! (II, i., 27-28). Baptista, Katherines father, is obviously fed up with Katherine and her savage manners for him to utter such strong words to his daughter. Katherine is so feral that she will never be able to be tamed. Throughout the play, she remains this way. On the way to Biancas wedding, Petruchio threatens to turn back unless Katherine agrees that the moon is shining, and it is not the sun, as it truthfully is. Hortensio, one of Petruchios friends, advises Katherine to consent to Petruchio: Hortensio: Say as he says, or we shall never go. Katherine: Forward, I pray, since we have come so fare, And be it moon, or sun, or what you please. (IV, v., 13-15) Katherine is becoming very smart at obeying Petruchio. She now understands how to get what she wants from him. Her spirit is still wild and untamed; however, she acts loyal to Petruchio on the surface to avoid suffering Petruchios punishments. By not changing her nature, Katherine shows Petruchio that he is not in charge. The men of the town of Padua need to find a man to marry Katherine to free her fair sister, Bianca. Katherines father will not allow Bianca to marry until the elder is married. Petruchio is talked into marrying Katherine, mostly for her fathers dowry. When Petruchio first meets Katherine and talks of marriage, she is very wild and she tries to run away from him: I chafe you if I tarry. Let me go. (II. i., 255). Katherine does not want to be with Petruchio. She is happy being by herself and making her sister miserable. She is a very independent woman, and she enjoys living up to her reputation. When Petruchio fails to listen to Katherine about what type of outfit she wants to wear to Biancas wedding, she is enraged: Why, sir, I trust I may have leave to speak, And speak I will. I am no child, no babe. Your betters have endured me say my mind, And if you cannot, best you stop your ears. My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, Or else my heart, concealing it, will break, And, rather than it shall, I will be free Even to the uttermost, as I please, in words. (IV, iii., 78-85). Katherine directly goes against her husband. She does not show him the respect a husband should receive. Katherine never changes her untamed ways; she stays wild at heart. Obviously, in William Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew, Katherine is never actually tamed by Petruchio. Bibliography The Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why a Multi-Party System in Pakistan Essays

Why a Multi-Party System in Pakistan Essays Why a Multi-Party System in Pakistan Paper Why a Multi-Party System in Pakistan Paper Political parties are the flesh and blood of political system. The strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures, pros and cons of a political structure are highly associated with the Political Party System. Giovanni Sartori suggested a method to classify the political party systems on the basis of number of effective political parties. In this way three main political party systems are defined; Uni-party system, Bi-party system and Multi-party system. Each system has its own distinct characteristics and advantages along with disadvantages. In Uni-party system a single dominating party is protected by the constitution to govern. In Bi-party system two major parties contest elections and make governments alternately and freely without the help of other. Multi-party system as Sartori defines is one where no party can guarantee an absolute majority. Governments are coalition based. Around 7 to 10 parties compete with each other and represent different interest groups. But in some countries the number may vary from tens to hundreds. In Pakistan 250 political parties are registered with Election Commission of Pakistan. Why such a big number of Political parties in a country of just 20 crore people? Why this extent of Multipartism in Pakistan? Is this the sign of healthy democracy? Why do we not have Uni-party or Bi-party system? Why Multi-party system in Pakistan? The answer to all these questions is same and its roots lie in the history of our social, political and cultural transformation. Social and Political systems are highly correlated to each other. Around the globe, diversity in social systems accounts for diverse political systems. Party system being primary ingredient of political system is deeply rooted in the cultural and social fabric of nations. People having unified cultural identity tend to possess similar ideas. Take the case of China, people have unified Confucius belief and their culture sprouts from his teachings. Social system of Chinese people revolves around Confucius principles. They do not possess diverse social systems internally. This unification of social code has helped them to adopt a single political view represented by the Communist party. Countries like Cuba and North Korea have similar political system. These countries are known to be under Totalitarian rule. People are not enthusiastic for democracy. Class difference has been eliminated to some extent under communism and hence people are not driven by class interests. As Marx was of the view that political struggle is mainly driven by economic motives. Uni-party system discourages free economic activities to minimize the class struggle and thus political interests are held to a certain extent that do not come eye to eye with the interests of single dominating party. If we compare the social and political evolution of Pakistan to the above stated characteristics of a society with unified political structure under the umbrella of a Single party, we find many dissimilarities leading to a difference in political thoughts between the two societies. Pakistan is a society with diverse cultures. Here diversity of cultures has given birth to variety of political interests. Each interest group has adopted a distinguished identity in the form of a political party. Here people vote for the interests of baradris, tribes, clans, sects, businesses and personalities. Pakistani society is still in evolutionary process, nascent as its age is just 66 years. People are yet to clothe themselves into a nation. The colliding interests of different ethnic groups do not let them trust each other. They find it suitable to safeguard their interests on their own. Each province has a different composition of political set up. MQM and PPP in Sindh, ANP in Khyber Pakhtunkha, PML-N in Punjab, Nationalists and few affluent people in Baluchistan are prominent on political scene. Whilst in centre PPP and PML-N are two political power hubs. Coalition governments in centre as well as provinces are fundamental feature of political system of country. On the other hand if we compare our socio-political set up with those countries having Bi-party system, we find some similarities along with dissimilarities. Similarities include 1) both are pro democracy 2) both guarantee practice of freedom of speech 3) both are flexible and allow adjustments according to needs of time. Bi-party system is present in its obvious form in United States. In US politically oriented people consider their only realistic way to capture political power is to be either a Republican or Democrat. Historians are of the view that Bi-party system evolved in US due to the tug of power between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. In other words it evolved out of two different opinion holder groups. Number of different opinion groups is in reality the number of political parties in the country. US has two large opinion groups other being very small are insignificant. In Pakistan the number of influential opinion groups is very large and so is the number of political parties. Another dominant factor in determining the type of party system is the Electoral procedure. Political experts say that in an Electoral process where Winner-Takes-All principle is in action, only Bi-party system would develop. Winner-Takes-All means only the majority vote-taker will be given all power as practiced in US. Whereas Party-Proportional-Representation gives all the parties an opportunity to get seats in legislature in accordance with the proportion of votes obtained. In Pakistan even smaller political parties are able to secure at least one seat in legislature to ensure their existence. Another difference lies in the economic condition of people in both the countries. People with prosper economies are less hostile and divided. People in Pakistan are divided in elite, upper, middle, low and lower classes. People in villages and urban areas are distant from each other not only physically but ideologically as well. Unification of thought and idea in Pakistan is not as strong as in US. Gary Cox described the reasons for Bi-party system in US beautifully in these words: The bounty of the American economy, the fluidity of American society, the remarkable unity of the American people, and, most important, the success of American experiment have all mitigated against the emergence of large dissenting groups that would seek satisfaction of their special needs through the formation of political parties. As Cox described the presence of certain qualities prevented the Multi-party system to evolve in US, the absence of same has resulted in the development of Multi-party system in Pakistan. If we sum up the whole discussion following factors are found responsible for the development of Multi-party system in Pakistan: 1) Pakistani society is not unified in cultural and organizational aspects. 2) People are divided into distant groups and classes on the basis of economic disparities. 3) People are driven by class interests based on Bradris, clans, tribes, ethnicity, sects and favorite personalities. 4) Pakistani society is still nascent and is striving to achieve stability by establishing balance between opposing interests of different groups. 5) Parliamentary form of government that works on principle of Party-Proportional-representation, allows each party to survive. Some political scientists are of the view that Multi-party system is a result of chaos and conflicting ideas and hence it results in further chaos. On the other hand some regard it as More Democratic practice as it ensures the participation and representation of more interest groups and provides more choice. Whatever be the goods and bads of Multi-Party system, it is the only viable and pragmatic approach to the political needs of the people of Pakistan.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Book Will Always Exist

Nevertheless nowadays it’s as easy as abc to read a book through computer, mobile phone or a special e-books reader. Major IT corporations raise competition for the invention of the most modern and convenient devise helping people among other options to read e-books. One of the advantages of e-books is that you can download it to your mobile phone, for example. Consequently there’s no need to take a heavy thick book with you anymore. Additionally some internet sources give the possibility to download files for free. You don’t go shopping, just to click on an icon. Hence, you simultaneously save your money and time – the most vital things in life. With the appearance of I-Pads, thin and light, more people change from paper books to this new handy gadget. However in spite of the variety of technical devises for reading, in my opinion, books will always exist. There is a large group of people who prefer simple paper to any modern equipment. Some people like the feel and the smell of paper. From my point of view that’s because paper is a natural material, produced from wood. Megapolis citizens often suffer from the lack of nature in the world of electronics and technology. Likewise when I think of myself recharging my batteries after a hard working day I imagine myself lying on a cosy sofa reading a thrilling book, a real paper book. I’d hazard a guess that I’m not the only one for whom a book may be associated with comfort and relax. That’s why it’s so pleasant to hold a book, turn its pages and feel yourself enjoying the atmosphere. Book Will Always Exist Nevertheless nowadays it’s as easy as abc to read a book through computer, mobile phone or a special e-books reader. Major IT corporations raise competition for the invention of the most modern and convenient devise helping people among other options to read e-books. One of the advantages of e-books is that you can download it to your mobile phone, for example. Consequently there’s no need to take a heavy thick book with you anymore. Additionally some internet sources give the possibility to download files for free. You don’t go shopping, just to click on an icon. Hence, you simultaneously save your money and time – the most vital things in life. With the appearance of I-Pads, thin and light, more people change from paper books to this new handy gadget. However in spite of the variety of technical devises for reading, in my opinion, books will always exist. There is a large group of people who prefer simple paper to any modern equipment. Some people like the feel and the smell of paper. From my point of view that’s because paper is a natural material, produced from wood. Megapolis citizens often suffer from the lack of nature in the world of electronics and technology. Likewise when I think of myself recharging my batteries after a hard working day I imagine myself lying on a cosy sofa reading a thrilling book, a real paper book. I’d hazard a guess that I’m not the only one for whom a book may be associated with comfort and relax. That’s why it’s so pleasant to hold a book, turn its pages and feel yourself enjoying the atmosphere.

Friday, October 18, 2019

STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP BY EXECUTIVES Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP BY EXECUTIVES - Case Study Example This involves turning strategy into needed outcomes and behaviours, conveying these goals, evaluating progress, giving feedback, and empowering the workforce (Ashby & Miles, 2002) through performance-driven incentives and penalties. Studies show that several organisations remain dependent on conventional performance determinants. Conventional tools of performance determinants intended for the economy of the industrial period, which puts emphasis on physical assets and financial strategies, are now incapable of coping with the dynamic business environment (Ashby & Miles, 2002). Hence, there is a movement away from conventional ideas so as to address the intricacy and ever-changing business environment. According to Hagen and colleagues (1998), some of the challenges CEOs face today in relation to performance determinants are great expectations from stakeholders, demands from and threat of global and local competitors, adoption of sophisticated production technology, and demands for premium and dependable products/services from consumers. In the meantime, organisational performance can also be threatened by sub-units within an organisation making decisions which are incompatible. An organisation structure, which can be either decentralised or centralised, has considerable effect on the level of non-financial and financial strategies to be integrated into the performance measurement process (Ncube & Washburn, 2006). Usually one problem confronting an organisation is that different sub-units are taking part in the general process of decision making. Irreconcilable decisions can have varying consequences for each sub-unit. Acquiring consensus from all stakeholders is a constant problem. When a firm’s general strategy relies on the decisions of all its sub-units, as stated by Bass (2007), firm-wide support is needed. Large-scale strategic planning and assessment is critical. This planning has to focus on the

Essay (see instructions) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

(see instructions) - Essay Example Every neighboring country of China finds its support in the matter of international relations. For instance, Pakistan seeks Chinese vote in the UN for the disputed territory of Kashmir. Similarly, Bangladesh finds (and gets) military support from China. This tactic might be based on China’s interest of keeping the upper hand against the rising power of Indian military but in the process Chine wins a strategic ally. There are very few economic powers in the world that are non-threatening. When it comes to Chinese neighbors, the country has kept neutral or friendly relations with most of them. Soviet Union was a Eurasian giant, but it was ruthless and had volatile relations with its neighbors. China is relatively non-threatening to its neighbors. Its policies are helpful and seek long term stability with its partners. Chinese trade relations with other countries are based on the preferences of their leaders. This is a long term and a highly rewarding strategy for China. It also helps win China the influence it needs to dominate Asia. In recent times, China has dramatically improved its relations with Korea and South East Asia. For this reason, it was the mediator in the North Korean nuclear crisis. The Chinese economic exchange with its neighbors also supports its internal economics. Its economic engine gets the essential fuel it requires to run at a steady pace. Its influence in Asian territories is non-threatening because China engages with its neighbors frequently. Its neighbors are not afraid of its rising economic and military power. Asian countries also support China because they consider it an icon for the international balance of power. The U.S. has significant voice and presence in the international politics. It is only natural to have the power (like China) that can counter the American dominance in the world. In addition, there is an urge in the Chinese people to return China to its

Process Control Block Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Process Control Block - Essay Example terminals, devices), process owner (user ID), Parent (pointers to parent or child processes), save registry (process registers, stack information and pointers), process IDs (I/O, IPCs), process state (ready, running or standby mode), memory pointers (MMU registers) (Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, 2002). PCBs classified under process control information are : scheduling and state information (i.e., the current state of the process, time slot, time to run, the priority of process) , data structuring (i.e. pointer to parent process or a pointer to child process), interprocess communication (i.e. message passing, synchronization, shared memory), process privileges , memory management and resource ownership (i.e. retrieval of file ownership). In Unix, for example, the process structure has two separate places in memory (kernel and user space) where it stores PCBs. Under this arrangement, process is started at the information (process ID, scheduling priority, etc.) level. During linking stage, the PCBs are defined for queuing. Once the process is ready for initialization, queuing is linked with other PCBs. The PCBs assign pointers from parent to child to subsequent relative processes. The execution of the process comes from the user level. Once system level is reached, the system switches to system mode and utilizes kernel stacks to continue with the process. (Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, 2002). Linux PCBs act almost in a similar fashion as Unix. Linux uses the structure task_struct to describe the characteristics of a process. This structure is managed through a series of indicators called a task vector. The number of processes that could be made at one time is only limited by the capacity of the task vector, which by default has 512 entries. When new processes are created, new structures are assigned from the system memory and are then added to the task vector. The vector pointer points to the most recent processes being run, making it easier to locate (Nutt, 2004). Data structure that defines the "process identification information": struct task_struct { int pid, pgrp, session, leader;unsigned short uid, euid, suid, fsuid;unsigned short gid, egid, sgid, fsgid; } For each process initiated, a unique own process ID number and uid is assigned. Afterwards, it is given a groupID, pgrp, and a session identification. For each session, a leader process code is also designated. Every process has its distinct process ID number, uid, and is assigned to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Jeremy Bentham Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jeremy Bentham - Essay Example Utilitarianism is probably the greatest work by Jeremy Bentham. The ethical foundations he laid down are still widely accepted by the general public. Bentham based his moral philosophy of Utilitarianism in public good and happiness. He argued that people should act in a way so as to maximize public good for the maximum number of people (Bentham, 3). The moral philosophy of Bentham became famous because it was representative of human nature. Before Bentham moral philosophy was based on complex principles and there was a divide between moral philosophies and the general public. Bentham brought moral philosophy and ethics within the grasp of the general public. The concept of maximum good for the maximum people is quite easy to understand and this is one reason why people still discuss and apply this theory when facing ethical dilemmas. Jeremy Bentham got his bachelors and masters degree from The Queen’s College, Oxford. He was from an educated family therefore he got all the necessary training and education from his family. Bentham presented many social reforms related to prison system, women, and economic freedom. He was an ardent proponent of women’s right and thought that women should get equal right to men. The aim of Bentham’s philosophy was to maximize the public benefit and minimize the pain of the people. All of the social reforms and changes in the legislature suggested by Bentham were based on the principle of maximum utility of the society. He thought that laws should be aimed to benefit the public in general so that overall happiness of the society can be increased. Pleasure and pain according to Bentham were the main motivators of human action therefore his ethics is based upon increasing pleasure and reducing pain of the maximum number of people in the society. Contribution of Jeremy Bentham to the subject of ethics is great because his theory of utilitarianism is stills studied in every ethics related course all over the globe.

New Gay Visibility on TV Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New Gay Visibility on TV - Article Example Since there are several television shows that had been focused on stereotyping the same sex relationship, public acceptance of homosexuality becomes a reality. Before 1990, the existence of debate regarding the moral and social issues of homosexuality was controversial topic. Since a lot of heterosexual relationships failed to work, same sex relationships started to become a normal behavior in the United States. Among the well-known television shows that heavily promotes same sex relationship is the 'sex and the city' wherein Samantha who portrayed a character who is willing to experiment on sex including the idea of having sex with a female partner. On the other hand, the show 'Queer as Folks' has been focused on uncovering what it is like living in a gay (men) community whereas 'the L world' unfolds the lesbians. Up to the present, the media is still being used to stereotype homosexual issues as something that is publicly accepted. In line with this, the Simpsons continuously promote homosexuality by coming up with 'the Simpsons gay song', 'Homer Simpson's gay dance', and Bart portraying as gay (You Tube b, c, d). The movie 'You Like Dangerous Guys'' also promoted gay relationship (You Tube e).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Process Control Block Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Process Control Block - Essay Example terminals, devices), process owner (user ID), Parent (pointers to parent or child processes), save registry (process registers, stack information and pointers), process IDs (I/O, IPCs), process state (ready, running or standby mode), memory pointers (MMU registers) (Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, 2002). PCBs classified under process control information are : scheduling and state information (i.e., the current state of the process, time slot, time to run, the priority of process) , data structuring (i.e. pointer to parent process or a pointer to child process), interprocess communication (i.e. message passing, synchronization, shared memory), process privileges , memory management and resource ownership (i.e. retrieval of file ownership). In Unix, for example, the process structure has two separate places in memory (kernel and user space) where it stores PCBs. Under this arrangement, process is started at the information (process ID, scheduling priority, etc.) level. During linking stage, the PCBs are defined for queuing. Once the process is ready for initialization, queuing is linked with other PCBs. The PCBs assign pointers from parent to child to subsequent relative processes. The execution of the process comes from the user level. Once system level is reached, the system switches to system mode and utilizes kernel stacks to continue with the process. (Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, 2002). Linux PCBs act almost in a similar fashion as Unix. Linux uses the structure task_struct to describe the characteristics of a process. This structure is managed through a series of indicators called a task vector. The number of processes that could be made at one time is only limited by the capacity of the task vector, which by default has 512 entries. When new processes are created, new structures are assigned from the system memory and are then added to the task vector. The vector pointer points to the most recent processes being run, making it easier to locate (Nutt, 2004). Data structure that defines the "process identification information": struct task_struct { int pid, pgrp, session, leader;unsigned short uid, euid, suid, fsuid;unsigned short gid, egid, sgid, fsgid; } For each process initiated, a unique own process ID number and uid is assigned. Afterwards, it is given a groupID, pgrp, and a session identification. For each session, a leader process code is also designated. Every process has its distinct process ID number, uid, and is assigned to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

New Gay Visibility on TV Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New Gay Visibility on TV - Article Example Since there are several television shows that had been focused on stereotyping the same sex relationship, public acceptance of homosexuality becomes a reality. Before 1990, the existence of debate regarding the moral and social issues of homosexuality was controversial topic. Since a lot of heterosexual relationships failed to work, same sex relationships started to become a normal behavior in the United States. Among the well-known television shows that heavily promotes same sex relationship is the 'sex and the city' wherein Samantha who portrayed a character who is willing to experiment on sex including the idea of having sex with a female partner. On the other hand, the show 'Queer as Folks' has been focused on uncovering what it is like living in a gay (men) community whereas 'the L world' unfolds the lesbians. Up to the present, the media is still being used to stereotype homosexual issues as something that is publicly accepted. In line with this, the Simpsons continuously promote homosexuality by coming up with 'the Simpsons gay song', 'Homer Simpson's gay dance', and Bart portraying as gay (You Tube b, c, d). The movie 'You Like Dangerous Guys'' also promoted gay relationship (You Tube e).

Geggus, David Patrick. Haitian revolutionary studies. Essay Example for Free

Geggus, David Patrick. Haitian revolutionary studies. Essay After the 1695 Ryswick Treaty between France and Spain, France took control of St. Domingue (Willie 2001, p 36). The legal rights bestowed upon the French gave them the jurisdictional capacity to reign over the western region of Hispaniola. Government officials from France took care of the administrative and governing bodies of St. Domingue. The Ryswick Treaty paved way for the French to colonize St. Domingue and take preeminence in virtually every fundamental aspect of the region. The social, economic and political realms of the people of St. Domingue were largely defined by the French colonial systems in place (Willie 2001, p 36). The weighty colonial systems of the French in St. Domingue led to a stratified social system, dividing the people into social classes. The Les Grand Blancs were the superior whites who consisted of the planters and royal officials of the colony. The Les Petit Blanc, considered as the lowest group of whites consisted of the artisans, shopkeepers and bookkeepers in St. Domingue. By 1789, the total umber of whites in St. Domingue was 30, 000. The Mulattoes or free coloreds, numbering 28,000 by 1789, consisted of children fathered by white French men with black women (Willie, 2012, p 38). Emancipation of the free coloreds gave them an opportunity to own slaves as their white counterparts. They possessed one third of the real estate in St. Domingue. The slaves, who numbered 450, 000 by 1789 were the least in the social ladder (Ghachem 2003, p 4; Willie 2001, p 38). They literally owned nothing and were devoid of any degree of liberty compared to the other social classes. The social stratification structure in St. Domingue resulted into social, economic and political disparities that constantly caused friction among the social classes in the social ladder. Every social class sought to defend its rights and freedoms; the quest for justice and liberty was deeply engraved in each of the social classes (Geggus 2002, p 14). A critical analysis of the perceived economic and social injustices experienced by the groups is ultimately significant in understanding the causes and aims of the St. Domingue Revolution. Indeed, a critical evaluation of the social ladder in the French colony is imperative in comprehending the causes and aims of the St. Domingue Revolution from 1791-1804. The economic demography of St. Domingue in the late 18th century               Ã‚  One cannot talk about the St. Domingue Revolution (1791-1804) without expounding on the economic demography of the then, largest French colony. Dominated by agriculture and trading relations, the French colony was indeed export motivated. The colonial economy maximized on sugar, coffee, cotton and indigo plantations. The colony had 3000 coffee plantations, 800 sugar plantations, 800 cotton plantations and 2950 indigo plantations (Willie 2001, p 36). The expansive plantations placed St. Domingue strategically among the French colonies; in fact, it was the richest plantation colony of the French. The second half of the 18th century saw St. Domingue expand to become the largest exporter of coffee and sugar in the world; this placed France at a strategic place in the world economy (Willie 2001, p 36). The increased growth and demand in the colonial economy in St. Domingue triggered the colonialists to continually restructure the plantation systems. A constant increase in the number of slaves in the colony by the colonialists fueled the destabilization of the social balance in St. Domingue. In a bid to maintain a robust and thriving colonial agricultural economy, the colonialists subjected the slaves into hard labor, which consequently eroded their state of freedom and liberties. The lowest social class in the French colony experienced social and economic deficiencies that exacerbated their poor living standards. The poor living standards meant that the mortality rate of the slaves, sky- rocketed and necessitated the capture of more slaves for the further expansion of the colonial economy. The complicated economy in late century St. Domingue saw an increase in the number of slaves, which led to slave insurrections prior to 1791(Marsh and Nicola 2011, p 21). The desire of the slaves to attain freedom and liberty precipitated the St. Domingue revolution that historians claim changed the landscape of world affairs, and contributed to the demise of slavery. Hence, the social imbalance created by the economic demography of St. Domingue led to the inception of the revolution. The economic and social disparities of the social groups               Ã‚  Economic and social disparities were at the height of the causes and aims of the St. Domingue revolution (Geggus 2002 p 14). The social classes often clashed with one another in a bid to secure their social, economic and political justices. However, this was not an easy endeavor; hence, precipitating repeated crises that brought social and economic imbalances in the colony. The colonial masters sought to maintain the colony’s economic valor, and for this to happen, the relentless friction among the social clashes continued inevitably. Certainly, the social ladder triggered disparities that heightened the imbalances in the colony. The Les Grant Blancs who were born in the colony expressed feelings of discontent against the whites born from France, their motherland. The whites from France took charge of the most important government offices in the colony. The whites born in the colony (creoles) expressed dissatisfaction because they wanted to participate effectively in the government (Geggus 2002, p 6). The inability of the Les Grant Blancs to have a greater autonomy in the running of the colonial administration affected their social status in the colony. The group perceived that being on top of the social ladder deemed it right to have autonomy over the affairs of the colony. The planters and wealthy members of the group perceived that the ceremonial positions they were given in the assembly was not tantamount to their social status. The reduction of their status to minor aristocrats precipitated their desire to command more grounding against the European-born colonialists. As a result, there was a social stru ggle and imbalance as the group sought to gain the legal rights of controlling the colony. The Les Grant Blancs also wanted to have the freedom of trade. As the plantation owners, they wanted to have more economic autonomy from the proceeds of their produce. Apparently, the colonialists controlled the produce from the island, which was its major asset because of the strategic economic benefits associated with it. The French government introduced the Exclusive trade system, which ensured that the control of goods had to come exclusively from France. Moreover, the high taxation levied on the colony did not auger well with the group. The white plantation owners continually sought to have economic independence from the French government and the colonial administrators. The economic struggles between the Les Grant Blancs and the royal French colonial administrators brought economic imbalances that often threatened the integration of the groups. The white planters saw that the economic advances were creating injustices that needed to be addressed. According to Willie (2001, p 39 ), the Les Grant Blancs believed that the colony officials wasted St. Domingue’s resources. Therefore, the plantation owners and members of the assembly constantly attacked the executive officials from France. It was widely acknowledged that the wealth of the French colonies was primarily meant to benefit France, but not the colonies. This brought mixed reactions in the colony, with the superior whites advocating for the abolishment of heavy taxes and a greater control of the colony’s trade relations. The Les Petit Blanc consisting of poor white men did not have good relations with their rich counterparts. The social disparities between the two groups caused sharp conflicts that often resulted into physical violence. The Les Petit Blanc did not like the fact that their rich counterparts had immense wealth, which they could only imagine. The privileges that the Les Grant Blancs enjoyed created a stratified social structure that made the Les Petit Blanc inferior. The Mulattoes or free coloreds were also inferior to the wealthy planters and civil officers. The interaction between the poor whites and the Mulattoes as well as the slaves made the rich whites to perceive them as less important in the economic status of the colony. The economic and social superiority of the rich whites resulted into strained relationships between them and the â€Å"Les Petit Blancs†. Undoubtedly, the strained relationships stemmed from the economic and social disparities of the colony’s stru cture. Of importance still, is the relationship between the whites and the Mulattoes/ free coloureds. The disparities between the social classes came because of the economic and social characteristics of the Mulattoes. The free coloureds were seen as extremely ambitious and a threat to the social and economic dominance of the whites. They were strong and showed great prospects of social mobility and capacity to compete with the whites. Additionally, most of the Mulattoes were highly educated; hence, posing challenges to the dominant whites. The whites did not like the fast-rising nature of the free coloureds; they wanted them to remain inferior to them and settle at the bottom of the social class ladder. The social and economic disparities between the groups caused numerous conflicts that destabilized the power of the colonial administration. Due to the massive influence of the Mulattoes/free coloureds, the colonial legislature introduced strict laws to limit their influence (James 1963, p 97). The enacted laws forbade them from holding public office, joining the colonial army, wearing European clothes, organizing social functions, marrying whites and residing in France. They were also forced to work for free for a certain number of days per year, according to the French law. The free coloureds were economically and socially deprived of their rights because of their race and their prospects of social mobility. The Mulattoes did not agree with the social and economic injustices committed against them; hence, they sought to find for their rights (Ott 1987, p 67). These factors caused tensions between the whites and the Mulattoes and consequently led to the intense fighting between the groups in 1791. The slaves, majorly from African origin were subjected to hard labor and deprivation of their rights as humans. They were the lowest in the social ladder, and yielded nothing in respect to their social and economic statuses. They experienced harsh conditions subjected to them by the superiors. The economic and social disparities between them and the other groups denied them the opportunity to enjoy their rights and dignity. In 1791, as the Les Blancs, Les Petit Blanc and free coloureds were fighting one another because of the prevalent social and economic disparities, the slaves maximized on the opportunity to start revolts in St. Domingue (James 1963, p 110). The slaves, favored by their numbers, fought against the whites and free coloureds because of the torments they faced as inferiors in St. Domingue. Undeniably, the social and economic disparities among the social classes in the colony contributed greatly in the St. Domingue Revolution. The Declaration of Rights of Men               Ã‚  The Declaration of Rights of Men of 1789 was an instrumental document of the French Revolution in the expression of human rights. The document played a vital role in the establishment of the fundamental human rights that have continued to influence the modern world. In the wake of the French Revolution, there was need for setting up of laws that recognized the basic human rights and the equality of all people before the law. The declaration came at a time when rights and liberties were highly violated at the merit of a few. The French Revolution sought to fight for liberty, equality and fraternity rights (Manigat 1977, p 420). Certainly, the Declaration of the Rights of Men played a dominant role in the start of St. Domingue Revolution. After the document brought the realization of human rights and universal laws in France, the social classes in St. Domingue sought to fight for their rights and privileges in a highly stratified colony. The Les Blancs wanted the right to makes laws, the abolishment of trading restrictions from France and wanted to have social equality with the French whites. They also wanted the scrubbing off, of royal bureaucracies in St. Domingue. The Declaration of the Rights of Men inspired the free coloureds to fight for social and political rights and the abolishment of discrimination. On the other hand, the slaves fought for their personal freedom from the oppression by the other social classes. Based on the discussion above, it is worth noting that the Declaration of the Rights of Men inspired the St. Domingue Revolution. Conclusion               Ã‚  In conclusion, it is notable to assert that the St. Domingue Revolution (1791-1804) was because of various factors. Social and economic disparities in the colony were a major factor in the start of the revolt that certainly ended slavery in the island. The social classes that lived in St. Domingue often clashed in respect to the economic and social factors defining them. The deprivation of rights and liberties among the social groups led to conflicts that often turned physical. The need for economic and social rights and the quest for justice in the late 18th century St. Domingue led to a successful slave revolt that resulted into the birth of the nation of Haiti. As historians put it, the St. Domingue Revolution was significant in defining the history of European colonialism. Indeed, the upheaval is significant in understanding the history of French imperialism. References Geggus, David Patrick. Haitian revolutionary studies. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2002.Ghachem, Malick W. Slavery and citizenship in the age of the Atlantic revolutions. Alfred, N.Y.: Alfred University, 2003. Print. Ghachem, Malick W. The Old Regime and the Haitian Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Print. James, C. L. R. Parliament and Property. In The Black Jacobins; Toussaint LOuverture and the San Domingo Revolution. Second Ed. New York: Vintage Books, 1963 Willie, Doris. Renaissance and Revolt. In Lest you forget: a study and revision guide for CXC Caribbean History. Kingston, Jamaica: Jamaica Pub. House, 2001. 38-65 Manigat, Leslie F. The Relationship between Marronage and Slave Revolts and Revolution In St. Domingue-Haiti. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 292, no. 1 Comparative P (1977): 420-438.Marsh, Kate, and Nicola Frith. Frances lost empires: fragmentation, nostalgia, and la fracture coloniale. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2011.Ott, Thomas O. The Haitian revolution, 1789-1804. 1st ed. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1987. Source document